"Life Without Chocolate" : Is Carrot Cake Actually Cake?

"Life Without Chocolate" : Is Carrot Cake Actually Cake?

Hello, lovelies...

I am back with a bit of a question for you...

As I have said several times...and will continue to say until it is not a thing....

I can't eat chocolate....at least not an amount that would satisfy my chocoholic little heart...

So the other day my mother suggested making me a Carrot Cake...

The thought of cake being made with carrot didn't appeal to my idea of cake at all...

How could a yummy sweet cake be made using none other than a carrot...

So I decided to fall into yet another bottomless hole and turned to Pinterest...

So first things first I came across this classic recipe which made me want to try it....

carrot cake

 After finding a nice and simple recipe I of course found myself looking into interesting Carrot cake ideas....

So I ended up woth cupcakes, cookies and cakes of all shapes and sizes....

carrot cakes

I have to say though...

As nice as they may look...

And tempting too...

I am not a fan of Carrot Cake...

Sorry Carrot Cake fans...

See ya next week

Bye lovlies!

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