My name is Athina.
I am the founder, CEO, designer, creator and pretty much everything else behind The Faidrin Bear. I am a 32-year-old creative woman. I am happily married since early 2015 and am the mother to two adorable little girls. We live on a farm in a small village in Western Greece.
I am an avid reader and will happily spend 5 hours straight reading a novel without thinking twice. As odd as it may seem I am also an avid video gamer. Nintendo, Playstation, PC games you name it. I loved playing all the classics and even now I will not turn down a good game.
And as if all the above is not enough, I absolutely love baking. Cookies, cupcakes and so much more.

As the odd cookie that I am (you have already realized I am sure), I loved all things creative. I had a dream since I was young and my mother had to leave for work almost as soon as we came home from school. That dream was to be able to have a job that allowed me to be at home with my children and be the person who tucks them in bed and kisses them goodnight.



So that is where my creative side kicked in. I stumbled across polymer clay in early 2013. I was 22 years old and studying to be an Early Childhood Educator. I remember being so surprised that there was such a material as versatile as polymer clay. The day I made my first miniature was one of the best days of my life. It was so awesome! I started selling to friends and then friends of friends.
The way people showed their fascination for my creations just made me so happy. This feeling of happiness made me start thinking of ways to make this grow.

So I think the only thing I really want you to know is that I am one person working as hard as my little hands can go (and they are little, trust me) to make you and your sweet ones smile and laugh. The word Faidrin derives from an ancient Greek word for happiness. This is something we all can never get enough of. It could be a pick-me-up gift, a thank-you gift, a just-because-I-love-you gift or even a good job self-gift. It is that special little thing you buy in order to smile and reward yourself for being you.